F u n d a m e n t a l i s t   B a p t i s t   I n s t i t u t e

Phil. 1:17,  II Tim. 2:15

FBI was established in 1995 to provide free Bible training to those who have been called by God as Pastors, Evangelists, Missionaries, Bible Women and Church Workers for the work of the ministry and for the perfecting of the saints.  Lay people who also desire to have a good theological background are welcome to enroll as well.

FBI currently offers 3 programs focusing on Church Administration, Missions, Theology, Education and Music:

Associate in Biblical Studies (One-year course)
Graduate of Theology Certificate (Three-year course)
Graduate of Religious Education (Three-year course)

FBI is set for the defense of the Gospel and to reclaim the name of the old-fashioned & God-honoring fundamentalism.

|  Fundamentalist Baptist Institute  |  Mission  |  Outreaches  |  Freedom Mountain Baptist Academy  |


F I R S T   B A P T I S T   C H U R C H   O F   S A N M A T E O ,   I N C .

Copyright 1990-2003 • Email: fbcmsmi@yahoo.com