Ways you can support


Click on the items you desire to support, then kindly fill out an e-mail message:

THANK YOU for considering a support in the works of the First Baptist Church & Ministries of San Mateo, Inc.

Some suggested ways you can help in this Ministry:

Pray for God's wisdom upon its leadership. The Missionary-Church Planter, Rev. Siegfred C. de Guzman and all Bible students and workers who need daily wisdom from God as they lead the work in reaching the lost for the Lord Jesus Christ.

Commit yourself to preparation for the Ministry. You can contact us by e-mail should you consider enrolling at Fundamentalist Baptist Institute. This is for Philippine residents only.

Monthly support. Perhaps you would wish to multiply yourself by sending-in checks in support of the Institute and Academy training we have. We are a registered non-profit religious society and will acknowledge your valuable gifts with receipts.

Cash gift. A one-time gift for the Fundamentalist Baptist Institute or Freedom Mountain Baptist Academy or for any project of the ministry will be recorded and duly receipted.

Establish a scholarship program. Should you consider sponsoring Bible students or Academy pupils through a scholarship program, kindly feel free to call or contact us by e-mail.

Donate some equipment or property. Contact us by e-mail or call us and we will arrange for these to be properly managed.

Arrange a speaking engagement. Invite Missionary Siegfred C. de Guzman to preach in your area and to personally present the Ministry. Contact us by e-mail to arrange a schedule available and convenient to you.

Again, we thank you for considering giving support in the works of the First Baptist Church & Ministries of San Mateo, Inc. Let us hear from you soon! God bless you real good!

Sincerely for Souls,

Rev. Siegfred C. de Guzman & Brethren

Y O U   C A N   A L S O   S E N D   Y O U R   A S S I S T A N C E   T H R O U G H  :


1212 South Beltline Road, Mesquite, TX 75149 USA
Phone: (972) 285-6771, (972) 289-0072
P. O. Box 851303
Mesquite, TX 75185-1303

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2527 Danville Road, SW, Decatur, AL 35603 USA
Phone: (256) 353-8579

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F I R S T   B A P T I S T   C H U R C H   O F   S A N M A T E O ,   I N C .

Copyright 1990-2003 • Email: fbcmsmi@yahoo.com