It all began in the heart of God, with His desire to raise a standard in Barrio San Mateo where truth shall spring out of the earth and souls will be won for the Lord Jesus Christ. Meanwhile during those times, the Lord was working on the heart of His man whom He chose as His instrument to lead His Church and he responded gladly to the call. Then in January 1990, with a team from Liberty Baptist Tabernacle of Norzagaray, Bulacan from where His man then working as an Assistant Pastor, traversed the rough trails to Barrio San Mateo, met with a few people and had some acquaintance The team worked hard with His man to spread the good news of salvation to kids, youth and adults. Also, a good family has been so gracious to lend their home as our place of worship conducting only our Saturday evening Bible Studies and Sunday morning services. Afterwards we would return to our home church to work as well. However, His man felt that the Lord was not satisfied with that kind of situation because of the inward tugging of the Holy Spirit that His man must stay. After nine months, we decided to concentrate on this assignment. Then in 1991 we decided to move to our present location to stay for good and work more for God. Then there came several challenges, battle after battle has been fought and won from which our faith was strengthened. The Lord also led us to start several ministries in the fields of education, evangelism and edification. Street Preaching, House to House Evangelism and Open-air Meetings with Evangelistic Film Showings were done alongside by the Church which produced souls for Christ from different localities around the area. God is worthy to be praised! He gave several answers to our prayers like providing the means to acquire the present 167 square meter house and lot and soon, Lord willing, a one-hectare parcel for a campsite. Our Church is already SEC registered last August 1999. For the past years, by God's grace, the people worked hard to repair and remodel this building and at the same time kept on winning souls for Christ and keeping natives out of hell. And in this matter, He
allowed us to baptize more than 350 converts, distributed thousands
of Bibles, Christian literature and even relief goods and clothing to
needy folks, and conducted medical-dental missions which helped over
a thousand people. The Church is an active part of civic activities
in matters of Cooperatives, farmers' movements and especially in the
uplifting of people's standard of living. In all of these activities, we thank the Lord Jesus Christ for the participation of our Bible students and volunteer workers who are also working hard in their respective areas on a daily basis over Bigte, Minuyan, Republic, Ipo, Compra, Suha, Hilltop, San Jose del Monte City and many others. They are also involved in the public elementary school Bible classes every Wednesday with an average attendance of over 600 and eventually a specialized work called the Gentle Hands Ministry will also be started. On the average weekly basis, we are baptizing converts and running less than 200 in Sunday School. Today, part of our history is sending out of our first home missionary, Mr. Ireneo Catalonia and family, to Quiasan, Iloilo. We ask your prayers and support as they follow the Lord's leading.